
Friday, September 16, 2011

the person that i should follow..............

as a muslim, the person that we should put as idol in our daily life is MUHAMMAD S.A.W. but now day what we can see is, the world is turn around which is idol in the person who is famous, gorgeous, sexy body and else....or even in media when it involve interview young people and the conversation is like
"who is u like the most and want to follow"...
"ermmm...of course noona yoona because she had a perfect body and beautiful".......
and....."the person i like most is donald trump"
for someone who is have a higher passion in business is like a benchmark in his life......
but for me....why is so lot of load for me to follow our most messenger MUHAMMAD S.A.W
whisper from the bad/ kurang ajor syaitan make split of black slump into my jiwa...the more of this black slump the more 'vanish'(doa/solat/zikir) i had to find and do. so that ALLAH can see the all that i have done ikhlas and can accept by HIM....
so as a muslim woman i put my second idol which is SITI KHADIJAH r.a.....
Dapat disimpulkan bahawa Siti Khadijah binti Khuwailid bin Asad bin Abdul Uzza bin Qusay adalah wanita unggul enam (6) di dalam satu (1).
-      Beliau seorang hamba Allah yang tinggi takwanya. Beliau sentiasa bersama Nabi s.a.w mengabdikan diri kepada Allah serta tinggi pergorbanannya untuk Islam.
-      Beliau seorang isteri yang setia. Ketika Nabi s.a.w  ‘menyendiri’ di Gua Hira’, beliaulah menyediakan segala persiapan. Ketika Nabi s.a.w menerima wahyu yang pertama, dan ini mengejutkan baginda, beliaulah yang menenangkan Nabi s.a.w.
-      Beliau merupakan seorang ibu yang berjaya dan dikurniakan dengan enam orang cahaya mata. Antara yang tersohor ialah Fatimah az-Zahra r.a.
-      Beliau ialah ahli perniagaan yang berjaya. Menurut Ibn Saad dalam Tabaqat, apabila peniaga-peniaga Quraisy bersiap sedia untuk memulakan musafir, jumlah barang-barang perniagaan Siti Khadijah sahaja menyamai jumlah kesemua barangan yang dibawa oleh para peniaga atau pedagang yang lain.
-      Beliau seorang ahli masyarakat yang dihormati. Beliau digelar Thahirah atau ‘Yang Suci’ oleh masyarakat Arab Mekah.
-      Beliau adalah pemimpin dan contoh bagi kesemua umat Islam. Beliau bergelar Ummul Mukminin.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

it's not my rezeki...

with the name of god ALLAH, i accept all the destiny that HE give to me...
because i believe everything that HE wrote in mahfuzah have hikmah on it's.
maybe even i tried had or even appeal, what HE give to us is the best for HIS hamba.
YA ALLAH, sin that a have done for u is like the sand at the ocean....only u know tha aib of HIS hamba...
in the end of the world,,,,i can't imagine where i want to put my face when u show all the aib thing that i've done in front of u......

ALLAH.....please help me to light up my path with your NUR....and i know with writtng bout thing is nothing to you...what should i done know is repented with NASUHA....and lot of SOLAT and that you can see how struggle and seriuos in way to close to you............

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